
What is this?
What does a word mean to you? Words often have many meanings. Can you distill the many meanings of a single word into a single picture? Could you include the meanings that you’re not familiar with, or ones you’ve never used? If asked, you might attempt to use humanity’s greatest invention, the internet, to find meanings you’re not familiar with. There, you might find the internet’s meanings. The collective meanings, the averages defined by the masses, mostly people you’ve never met and never will. An AI trained on the internet may be the closest you could get to taking a single word and creating a picture of the collective meaning of it. And that’s what this is.
Which word do I get?
It's random
How are these works created?
I created them over the course of several weeks using an AI text-to-image generator based on VQGAN + CLIP and trained on tens of millions of internet images
How are the metadata and images stored?
Permanently, on Arweave. The Arweave URLs are stored directly in the contract. Your NFTs will always be available, long after I'm dead and gone.
Who made this?
It's a secret, obviously.
How is the content in these NFTs licensed?
All content is licensed via the Nifty License which you can view here: